Friday, December 30, 2016


We are truly fortunate to welcome three new individuals to our volunteer service....Thomas, Rachel and Zach have all signed on in the last few months.

But we can always use more.  Emergency Services all over the county, and particularly small volunteer outfits like ours, are struggling to keep up with the coverage.

At its worst, when you call 911, there's simply no one to help this area of Connecticut, where 26% of their calls went unanswered!

Happily, one way or the other, that hasn't happened to us, but we're not so flush that we can't use more folks to help.  

And it doesn't take a huge little as a few hours a month.  Sign on as a driver and, if you like it and want to do more, we'll provide EMT classes.  

The easiest way to get started is to simply ride along with us a couple times.  If you don't like it, then no harm, no foul...just walk away with our thanks for taking a look.

But if you DO like it, there's a whole new world just waiting for you.  

For your New Years resolution, please consider volunteering with Southern Jasper County Ambulance Service.  Its good for you, its good for your community.

We can be reached by simply emailing

Good luck and I hope to see you soon!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Sleep - how to!

As we discussed in the last post, a good night's sleep can be critical for your physical and mental health.

But be careful.  This article from NPR talks about the dangers of using commonly prescribed sleep medication.  That stuff isn't good for you!  You don't need it.

Here's some advice from lifehacker on how to get better sleep without that stuff.  Just simple lifestyle changes.

And if you can't sleep longer, maybe you can sleep better.  Ninety minute increments is one key.

If you can't swing seven or so hours a night, you might get some of the same benefits with power napping.  Although its uncertain if that lends as much to your health as a good night's sleep.

If you're technologically oriented, there are other resources for drug-free sleep at night and power naps.  One that I like (and use) is pzizz.  A really interesting (free!) app for ios or android.  And no, I'm not a paid sponsor...I just find it handy.

So use the links above.  Get some rest.  You deserve it.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Sleep - What you don't know can hurt you


You need it.  

Your brain needs it.
According to the CDC, insufficient sleep is both a public health crisis and an "epidemic" in America.  Whether its stress, lifestyle or simply trying to keep up with the job and home, we don't get enough sleep and that's bad for our brains.

When we sleep, the brain is "detoxified".  The beta-amyloids associated with Alzheimer's are decreased.

Additionally, lack of quality sleep, whether from apnea, insomnia or simply lifestyle, increases stroke risk.

It's been suggested that one of the single most important things you can do for your health is to get a nightly dose of good, quality sleep.

Try it!